Know your Rug: Area Rug Types and Care

Is your area rug looking a little shabby? There are many different kinds of area rugs, and they differ in standards of care. Proper area rug cleaning and care should be followed for each type, to keep your gorgeous floor coverings looking fresh and clean.

Area Rugs by Type

The material from which your rug is made will affect how it is cleaned. If it is simply a rag rug, or a worked rug made from a blend of fabrics, you may be able to toss it in the washer and line dry it. However, most area rugs are more complex, and the kind of cleaning products and processes which can be safely used on them without causing damage will vary. Check your rugs for tags or markings that indicate if it is made of:

  • Wool
  • Silk
  • Cotton
  • Synthetic

If you aren’t sure, “the dry guys” can examine your area rug and tell you what it is made of. You should also be aware of the method by which your rug was made, as this can also affect what kind of cleaning process is used. Your rug can be:

  • Hand-made
  • Machine made
  • Woven
  • Tufted
  • Braided

The size of your rug may also be a factor. Rugs can span the spectrum in size and shape, from small area rugs to long hall runners to vast floor covering that stretch from wall to wall to cover hardwood or tile. Some rugs have fringe, some have tassels, and some may have a seamed or bound edge.

Cleaning and Care

Rugs may need to be periodically cleaned due to dirt, debris and other stuff being worked into the rug; this could be a yearly or every other year affair, or you may need an emergency spot clean after a spill or a pet having an accident.

Spot cleaning can be used for small stains, but don’t use random household cleaners as many rugs are not fully colorfast. Blot the spill with a clean white towel, and assess the damage. If the rugs is bleeding color onto the towel, stop pressing and grab a box of baking soda. Pack the area, top and bottom, and let the rug sit while the baking soda extracts as much of the stain as possible. If the towel stays white, you can blot hard then sponge the area carefully with club soda to help lift the rest of the stain. Prop the rug up, so air can circulate above and below to prevent mildew.

You can always contact “the dry guys” to safely clean your area rug. With proper care, your area rug can last for many decades and you can enjoy its beauty for a long time.