Call Water Damage Experts First

Water damage can be exhausting, frustrating, and expensive to fix if not immediately addressed by a water damage remediation team of experts who can quickly and efficiently get the water OUT of your home and start you on the road to recovery. The Dry Guys, Water Damage experts in Kenosha, are there for you when your case may seem hopeless, so don’t despair – there is almost always a way to remedy your situation.

Water Damage and Contamination

There are many causes of water damage, with different levels of contamination. These include:

  • Level 1: Water leaked from an inbound pipe (from a source that is safe to drink) is usually clean and not contaminated, so the main thing to do is to shut off the water, stay away from areas that have electrical outlets that could be wet, and call in the pros to pump the water out, extract it from your carpets, and clean your upholstery. Other sources of potable water could be from a faucet leak, a hose leading to a dishwasher or clothes washer, or from an outside clean water faucet leaking water that seeps inside. If you could drink the water or use it to wash dishes in, the water is probably not contaminated.
  • Level 2: This is non-potable water you wouldn’t use to drink or wash dishes in, because it’s not certified safe for consumption. It can be rain or storm water, reclaimed or recycled water, or water from a waterbed that has burst or a non-potable cistern that has tipped over. Non-potable water also comes from water that has been used for washing dishes or clothes or showering, as long as it has not mixed with water from toilets or that might otherwise contain fecal matter. It poses no real risk if you take early action by calling in a team of professionals like The Dry Guys.
  • Level 3: Potentially contaminated water would be water from a fish tank, a waterbed, or other sources you aren’t sure about, including light flooding from surrounding landscaping that isn’t sewer contaminated.  Stay out of the water and call a water damage remediation service.
  • Level 4: Any water that has potential for fecal matter or decomposed animals matter should be treated as hazardous, contaminated water. Call The Dry Guys and vacate the premises until it is cleaned up.

We can help you drain and dry your home, but call us early rather than later! If your house starts to smell a week later, it’s from water soaked in to your flooring and upholstery, and there may be possible recovery complications and added expenses due to significant mildew, rot, and mold.