Finding and Recognizing Molds in Your Home

When left to fester, mold can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. It’s important to recognize mold growth in your home and stop it before it becomes a problem.  This guide will tell you where to find mold hot-spots in your home, and what frequently grows there. Mold can usually be eliminated with common cleaning products but wiping out a colony may require professional help.

The best way to prevent mold is to find problem areas before the mold does. Keep these areas clean and sanitized, and routinely check your home for mold growth. With regular cleans and proper vigilance, you can prevent mold altogether. In the event that you do find mold, this guide can help you identify it.

Mold Identification Tips

  • Aureobasidium. This allergenic mold is usually found behind wallpaper and loose paneling. It’s usually dark in color and can cause infection upon contact. If you find this mold in your home, make sure to wear proper protection, and call professionals if the infestation is serious.
  • Mucor. This mold is commonly found in HVAC and duct systems. It thrives in cold, moist areas, and can cause allergy or flu symptoms when inhaled. Wear face masks when cleaning this mold, and make sure to clean your air conditioners often.
  • Stachybotrys, or ‘black mold’. This slimy, toxigenic mold is notorious for causing breathing problems and allergic reactions. It grows in damp areas, especially on water damaged wood, paper, and hay. Call a professional immediately if you encounter this mold.
  • Alternaria. The most commonly found mold. It usually grows in clusters of black/dark green/brown circles. It can be found in damp areas, including showers, under sinks, in windows, and on bathtubs. It can be cleared up with cleaning solution and a scrub-brush.
  • Aspergillus. Another common mold, this fungus is present in almost every American home. It comes in many different colors, including yellow, green, and white. If left alone, it grows in long chains, and can cause respiratory problems and allergies.

If you require mold remediation, you need nothing but the best. An improper clean can result in a return of mold growth, which can worsen your problem. Don’t settle for sub-par remediation services, and don’t put yourself in danger. Call the Dry Guys at 262-605-1290 for an evaluation. Once they’ve verified and identified the mold in your home, they can work out a cleaning and mold remediation program for you.